hem/home Finding home and knowing what home is, are not always easy things. For many people, including myself, in order to appreciate and love the place you are from, you need to move away from it and get some distance. … Continue reading

hem/home Finding home and knowing what home is, are not always easy things. For many people, including myself, in order to appreciate and love the place you are from, you need to move away from it and get some distance. … Continue reading
tori “Tori” is an experimental publication with non-linear triple parallel narrative and a number of graphic elements and illustrations. Format: case-bound book, 180×230 mm, French-folded with die-cuts and tip-ins on several spreads. The fantasy novel applies Qualia perception theory to … Continue reading
a fairy scary story The title of this brief was “Engage” and I could interperate this word in anyway I wished. My approach was to research how people have engaged with fairytales through the ages. Unless your childhood was devoid … Continue reading
nature v nurture The nature versus nurture debate concerns the relative importance of an individual’s innate qualities (“nature,” i.e. nativism, or innatism) versus personal experiences (“nurture,” i.e. empiricism or behaviorism) in determining or causing individual differences in physical and behavioral … Continue reading
think, perceive, engage. My concept for my final year show is based on the theory of moral development. When faced with moral dilemma we differ in response to that situation. How do we think, perceive and engage? Using Kohlberg’s theory … Continue reading
astray Astray is an animation based on the medieval Gaelic poem Buile Suibhne (Frenzy of Sweeney), later known as Sweeney Astray. It follows the adventures of King Sweeney as a madman in rural Ireland after he is cursed into a … Continue reading
welcome to your brain Of all the bodily organs the brain is the most vital but also the least understood. The connections between neurons within the brain give us our personality, capacity for thought, emotions and essentially make us an … Continue reading
faux magazine ‘Faux’ is the magazine is a publication about the music industry, exposing inside stories about musics biggest stars. My concept for the magazine was to show how fake the music business has become and how the artists Image … Continue reading
help yourself Volunteering has been on the increase in Ireland, especially now that so many people are unemployed. However, there is still a need for more volunteers. At the moment male volunteers still outnumber female volunteers. This campaign emphasises the … Continue reading
d-rail; fast fashion This project is about fast fashion and the effect it has in today’s society. Three separate articles were chosen to highlight this issue. These articles were then laid out in a magazine format. The medium of the … Continue reading
re-engaging with creativity Children have a vivid and exciting imagination. They can perceive and view reality 3 dimensionally. The majority of adults perceive reality 2 dimensionally, losing use of their creative insight. The project combines 3D illustrations and model making … Continue reading
the cosmos For my final year degree show project, I wanted to capture the essense of mankind’s facination with the stars. Titled, The Cosmos the project details mankind’s ancient facination and constant relationship with space and the cosmos. From ancient … Continue reading